Caring Beyond Limitations, Creating Opportunities.

Empowering People with Disabilities to Live Independently

We are committed to delivering quality care, support, and resources to people with disabilities in order to ensure their well-being, independence, and a life full of possibilities.

How we are your trusted partner

Our mission is to assist persons with disabilities in living full and independent lives by providing a broad range of services that are tailored to their specific needs and aspirations. We are committed to empowering individuals, encouraging diversity, and improving the overall quality of life for those we support, from personalised assistance and specialised therapies to encouraging community inclusion.

Our fundamental objectives at A & S Disability Care are to assist Participants to achieve their lifestyle goals and objectives.

A & S Disability Care ensures that all Participants are the centre of our focus and we are solely committed to working with our Participants and their Support Networks to delivering high quality measurable outcomes.

Get Involved

There are many ways to help our cause
Do you or one of your family members have a disability and need assistance and support in living independently and being included in the community?

We can help you!

Do you or one of your family members have a disability and need assistance and support in living independently and being included in the community?

We can help you!